Dentistry is one of the biggest parts of medical sciences and has also been one of the most fast transforming branches within medical and health sciences. More and more advanced techniques, technologies and practices are being introduced in dentistry when compared to the other spheres of medicine. Research towards dental health, dental tools and technologies and dental care is being funded and pursued by more and more researchers. As a result, patients are now able to access top grade dental care with durable options with respect to dental problems. 

Dental Crowns are a major part of Dental Care and are one of the easiest and most possible solutions to most dental health challenges. Dental Crowns were initially restricted to hard to procure and costly metals which were not only hard to adapt to, but also very evident when used and not accessible to all patients equally. There were issues with cost, material, availability, lab ability etc. Now, decades later, dental crowns have become one of the profound solutions to most modern day dental problems. The options for dental crowns have expanded favorably to accommodate many kinds of materials, durability, strength and cost options. 

Zirconia Crowns are one of the most important parts and options when it comes to Dental Crowns. Zirconia is a biocompatible, organic and all-ceramic type of dental crown which is most commonly known for its aesthetic appearance and ease of use. Zirconia crowns have become one of the most commonly opted dental crowns of all times because of its indispensable advantages over traditional crowns. Zirconia is a crystalline mineral and is more commonly identified as Zirconium Oxide - a ceramic based dental restoration material. Ceramic restoration material is one of the most preferred as they have very close appearance with that of natural teeth and are easily able to adapt to the human mouth as well. Of all the types of ceramic materials, Zirconium oxide or Zirconia crowns have proven to be the most preferred due to its biocompatible and patient - flexible nature. 


Zirconia crowns are a common solution for all kinds of dental challenges that includes the following:

Broken Tooth

Zirconia crowns can easily adapt to the existing teeth structure and crowns can be made with Computer aided design to perfectly fit the jaw line and the adjacent teeth.

Misshapen Tooth

Those who struggle with crooked teeth, misshapen teeth and other deformities with respect to teeth positioning can safely opt zirconia crowns as they can help achieve a good dental structure. Those who need to replace a severely discolored tooth for aesthetic reasons can also find zirconia crowns useful.

Decayed Tooth

Crowns are necessary for those who have had a tooth or part of a tooth removed due to decay. Zirconia crowns are one of the most preferred as it can match up to the other teeth easily. It can cover large fillings done on a tooth so as to restore the tooth or after affixing a dental implant

Structural Challenges

Zirconia crowns can help in those who have worn down teeth due to teeth grinding and for those who have improper bite due to lack of uniformity in the teeth structure. Crowns help in managing the damage and helps in decreasing further damage to the tooth structure.

Other Types of Zirconia Crowns

There are two major kinds of Zirconia dental crowns and are chosen based on the various situations. The Monolithic Zirconium crowns are used for cosmetic reasons whereas Layered Zirconium Crowns are suited for high stress situations. Both Monolithic Zirconium crowns and Layered Zirconium crowns have a unique offering. Being a Zirconia Crown, they share similar traits and patients need not worry about tartar and plaque accumulation as the crown possesses a smooth surface.


The Monolithic Zirconium crowns contain zirconium oxide, a substance that renders it virtually unbreakable. This kind of extremely strong ceramic resists breaks, chips and stains. It is somewhat opaque yet can be color matched to the teeth perfectly. Due to the opacity, these monolithic restorations are placed in the back of the mouth. Monolithic Restorations of Zirconia Crowns are developed using CAD and CAM assisted technologies. These restorations are an amazing piece of art in terms of how close they come to the original tooth structure. They can imitate the color, strength and shape of the exact tooth of the patient with such ease. Dental crowns made with Gold Metal are the only other crown that comes close to the immense and solid strength that Monolithic Zirconia Crowns possess. 


As the name itself suggests, the Layered Zirconia Crown restorations are made with layered Lithium Disilicate Ceramic on top of the coping. The layered porcelain offers a realistic translucence that is required for restorations in the front of the mouth. This makes it an excellent option for front teeth restorations for those looking for aesthetic appeal. This version of Zirconia Crown contains sturdy covers overlain with layers of delicate and reflective porcelain. The manner in which the Ceramist fabricates the cap will influence its solid strength as well as the esthetics. This layered version of Zirconia Crown tends to be more susceptible to chipping when compared with PFM crowns. Due to its layered structure, there is less strength and durability when compared to Monolithic Zirconia Crown. This is why it is more suited for Anterior Crown restorations in patients.


Zirconia crown is one of the top preferred types of Crowns in the dental market. But Zirconia Crowns have only been in the dental world for the last 6 to 7 years. Before Zirconium Dioxide, Ceramic Crowns and Partial Ceramic Crowns or Porcelain Crowns were the top preferred materials for dental crown restorations. With the introduction of Zirconium Dioxide, the industry revolutionized with the usage of this super versatile material for dental restorations. 

Below are some of the unique advantages of Zirconia Crowns over other types of materials for dental crowns:


Zirconia crowns are highly biocompatible. They have a healthy tissues response when they are placed in the human mouth. It is proven to be one of the most trusted materials when it comes to patients with different kinds of allergies. Its smooth surface offers help in the reduction of plaque accumulation. 


The zirconia crowns are extremely comfortable and user-friendly for the patients. They are highly durable and can be easily maintained by the patient. They do not transmit hot and cold in the same way as conventional PFM crowns do. This makes it perfect for patients who have sensitivity as well.


It is widely manufactured in numerous color shades and its translucent nature can adapt to the color of the adjacent teeth. This makes it easy to exactly match the color of the patient’s natural teeth. The precise fitting is provided to the patients by making use of computer-aided design and its accurate manufacturing processes. It greatly reduces the chair-side time which is required for providing adjustment and cementing the restorations.

Allergy Proof

For patients who prefer to have metal-free restorations and want to get rid of metal allergies, Zirconia is the best suitable choice. Gum recession which is a possible outcome of exposure to metal is eliminated with Zirconia Crown restorations. Dental experts state that there are zero chances of allergic reactions caused by zirconia crowns during the course of usage.


There are numerous ways in which Zirconia can be manufactured in order to suit the needs of the patients. The manufacturing of Zirconia Crowns depends on a variety of factors that includes processing requirements and chemical composition. Therefore, the process ensures excellent fit and minimizes the margin for error for each individual with its unique customization.


Like any medical procedure, there can be potential disadvantages in getting a zirconia crown. Zirconia crowns possess minimal disadvantages when compared with other materials used for dental crowns. Below are some of the small disadvantages when opting for a Zirconia Crown:

Artificial Opaqueness

The opaque appearance of the zirconia crown is one its disadvantage which may make it appear less organic. This is specifically true when it comes to monolithic zirconia crowns. Although they are customisable, they can still look artificial when they are observed from a close distance.

Wear and Tear

The excessive hardness of zirconia could cause wear and tear on opposing teeth and is one of the main reasons why numerous dentists examine the patient's preference before suggesting Zirconia crowns. There is a concern about the toughness of the material that causes friction against the tooth and wearing down opposing teeth. However, the possibility of damage in the opposing teeth can be reduced with check-ups that are carried out frequently.

Susceptible to Chipping

According to the reviews of the dental experts, the porcelain layer can make the dental crown a little more likely to delaminate or chip. This is especially true for aesthetic centric Layered Zirconia restorations. Due to its layered structure, it is susceptible to damage from chipping especially in anterior restorations for dental crowns. 

Whitening Procedures

You cannot whiten crowns because the substance which is used to make them does not whiten like natural teeth. This can pose a mild challenge to those who have differentcoloured teeth and whiten their teeth regularly to match evenly. 

These are some of the minimal disadvantages of Zirconia Crowns. However, the advantages and pros of using Zirconia crowns weigh much more than its disadvantages and cons.