A Comparison of Zirconia, Emax and Ceramic Hybrid dental crowns
The world of dentistry and dental materials is vast and ever expanding. Research and technology has enabled dentists and dental technicians to provide the best medical options as well as cosmetic alternatives that help patients to restore their… more

Pulpotomies and Stainless Steel Crowns
The Dental Sciences have evolved much beyond what was present during the 19th and 20th Century. Many new technologies, medicines and techniques are being added every single day by Medical researchers and Dental Practitioners. All of these techniques… more

The History Of Zirconia Dental Crowns
Dental Crowns are a marvel of Dental Sciences that have made many things possible today. Not only do they enable dental practitioners to provide a multiverse of options for patients with dental issues, it also provides an opportunity for patients to… more

When a Stainless Steel Crown Is Recommended for a Baby Tooth
Stainless Steel crowns are made from a variety of combining elements majorly made from Chromium and nickel and may have a variable percentage of other elements such as Manganese and Carbon. Stainless steel crowns are made primarily from iron and… more

Zirconia Crowns v/s Composite Crowns Reinforced with Glass Fibre in Primary Molar Teeth
Primary teeth have a very important role in a child’s dental and facial development. In fact, having primary teeth in proper shape and form is important even for their language skills in part. Primary teeth must be preserved until they naturally… more

Use of Stainless Steel Crowns in the Permanent Dentition of Paediatric Dental Patients: A Guide for GDPs
Paediatric Dentistry is the branch of Dental Science that deals with the oral and dental care of children. Every child grows teeth as a toddler around the age of 1 year to 1.5 years of age. This set of teeth is referred to as the primary teeth.… more

What makes your Child a great candidate for Zirconia Dental Crowns?
Dental crowns have made it easy for anyone and everyone to cover up their dental flaws. People suffer from all sorts of issues such as colour mismatch, broken teeth, fractured teeth, decayed teeth etc and dental crown is the solution for all kinds… more

White Crown v/s Stainless Steel Crown - What's right for my child?
Dental crowns have been around for many, many years now and have been serving a multitude of dental purposes to cover up the need for a functional tooth wherever necessary. Dental crowns can sit on top of a defective tooth that has suffered any type… more

What are E.MAX and Zirconia Crowns?
Dental Crowns are the solutions to all modern day dentistry issues. There are many benefits to having a dental crown that is fit in place of a damaged tooth. A dental crown can protect the weak original tooth after restoration by a dentist to… more